10 Ways to keep your Masterpiece

Ten Ways to Keep the Masterpiece

1.    Have positive self-talk. It takes 2 positive thoughts to replace one negative one. Keep the negative thoughts at a minimum. In the video, I had you do an exercise where you wrote down all of the negative thoughts that you had about yourself. The struggle is when you have to produce 2 positives for each of the negative answers. Be intentional on speaking positively about yourself and your abilities.

2.    Surround yourself with people who are supportive and creating a life worth living. You are the sum of the 5 people who you hang around the most. Consider that for a moment. Who do you hang around the most and what does their lives look like. Is it a Masterpiece? How are they showing up in the world? It may be the exact way you are showing up in the world. Surround yourself with people who are doing great things. People who can influence and push you to live your best life.

3.    Find accountability partners, mentors and coaches. Having a coach makes you 64% more likely to achieve your goals.  You need someone in your corner that can rejoice with you and build you up when you stumble or need to adjust.  I have personally had a coach for the past 5 years and it has totally improved every area of my life. 

4.    Only do the things that only you can do...delegate the rest. This was a life change concept that I learned from Sandra Yancey. We must use our time wisely. It is okay to do chores but the more important outcome may be spending time with your family. Because there will always be chores, but the experiences with other people may not always be an option. 

5.    Vacation and create experiences. Creating the Masterpiece in You is important but don’t forget to have fun along the way. The reason vacationing is important is because it takes you out of your comfort place. You may be at a new hotel or country and taking that experience in and making it your own is key.

6.    Give back to someone who can’t help you. Giving back is one of the greatest gifts you can give another person. It may be tutoring a child or just paying for a dinner. Pay it forward!

7.    Read a book a month (or a week). Successful people are lifelong learners. Maybe you’re like me and prefer audiobooks. The delivery method is not important. What’s important is that you are continually giving your brain new concepts to consider. 

8.    Take care of yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. You have to be prepared to create the Masterpiece in You. Preparation is eating right, being mindful, and submitting to prayer and guidance.  When you begin to give yourself the love, compassion and forgiveness that you give others, your life changes from the inside out!

9.    Never be the smartest person in the room. This is something you have to be very intentional about because we like being seen as smart and witty by others. The issue is that you already know what you know. You don’t however know what others in the room with you know.

10. Attend a conference or seminar to expand your knowledge and meet new people. Who knows, you may just find someone new to be in your Fab 5.

10 ways to keep your Masterpiece for Teachable.pdf
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